It don't work
For teachers and admins, but it won't go after selecting district
Can't sign in. No links for "forgotten password" or "new account". The school isn't even sure if this the right app for parents to download. Very poor communication between schools and developer and no instructions for parents. Finding the right school was also difficult as it listed some under the county and some under the city. Poor design.
I cant get in 😒😒😤😤😤
I cant even sign in. I can do it fine on the computer tho so I know my username and password are correct.
No one can use it because it's for school administrators. Not parents
Its wont let me login.
Sucks won't even let me sign in even tho i can go throw the internet not the app and sign in with no problem but i try the app and can't usr it
Terrible app says it locks u out, the sad thing is u NEVER been in! It's a sham to put something out like this.
Not very effective, I couldnt log out and many problems made it almost impossible to see my grades and work that I'm missing.